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Here we are passionate about best practice in elementary education. We believe in celebrating the strengths of a child and in connecting math to the real world. We accomplish this by providing user-friendly and kid-friendly products and services to individual teachers, schools, and districts.

Welcome to Kids Math Talk

Hi! I'm Desiree Harrison, Kids Math Talk founder. I have been in education for 17 years and currently work with grades K-5 teachers and students in Michigan (Go Blue!). I am currently serving as a National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Board member (2020-2023) and have a passion for best practices in math education to promote a positive math identity for all students. Traveling, baking, and gardening are some of my hobbies. Old Bear in Rome, Italy is my favorite restaurant in the world. Oh and I love Twitter - connect with me @kidsmathtalk.
Desiree Harrison
Kid's Math Talk Founder and President
~Gardening has so many mathematical connections~
~Math is everywhere~


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