2016 DACTM/MDSTA Conference (Warren, MI)
Add POWER to your math workshop! Help students learn to self-assess and monitor their learning.
Description: What happens at the end of your math workshop? Join this session for visuals and strategies on helping students learn how to self-assess their work throughout the math workshop as well as monitor their progress.
Learning Outcomes:
Participants will learn how they can take one math standard and unpack it to find the essential skills. They will also learn how to construct a precise and kid-friendly organizer for keeping track of daily progress while working on mastery of the math standard. Then they will engage in a quick activity so that they can experience the self-monitoring and progress recording.
Round tables will be requested so that participants have a surface to work on during the presentation.
Breakdown of Presentation:
1. Intro - 1 min.
2. Background on why self-assessment is crucial - 5 min.
3.Background on process used to unpack standard - 6 min.
4. Activity for participants to monitor progress - 6 min.
5. Participants record progress and talk about success/productive struggles - 9 min.
6. Questions/Comments - 3 minutes
The key mathematics strand for this presentation is "assessment of and for learning." This presentation specifically delves into the idea of unpacking a standard and then creating rubrics for students to use to self-assess and monitor progress with this standard. This presentation will focus on the Number and Algebraic Operations domain of the common core (3rd grade specifically) but the strategies for unpacking a standard for self-assessment can be easily adapted for any grade level.
Equity and Access:
This presentation aims to make visual what is needed for students to reach "mastery" with any given standard. This leads to greater equity and access within the classroom as the expectations are clearly set for all students.