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Episode 37: Increasing Equity For All Learners Part 1 - Creating a Shared Background w/ Pam and Dawn

Desiree Harrison 0:00

With episode 37, we begin a mini-series about increasing equity for all learners, with two of the authors of the text, Numeracy for all Learners: Teaching Mathematics to Students with Special Needs.

Don't worry if you haven't read this book, or even if you've never heard of it.

This series is for all stakeholders - that's parents, teachers, coaches, and principals. And the episodes are divided into small chunks because I want to make sure that you have the chance to absorb and reflect on everything presented.

In this first episode of the series, we begin to create a shared understanding and background of what is meant by numeracy. And, also, a shared understanding of the Math Recovery pedagogy and guiding principles.

Episode 38, subtitled, Using Wait Time, continues the discussion about the guiding principles and also discusses why using wait time is a crucial instructional strategy to use in the classroom.

Part 3 of the mini-series, begins a conversation about culturally relevant teaching and provides ready to implement strategies for making math tasks accessible for all learners.

The last episode of the mini-series is a bonus episode that helps us connect all of the pieces of the mini-series together.

If you're an educator, invite your teaching partners, or maybe even your admin to a listening party for this min-series on increasing equity for all learners.

I also suggest having a notepad and pen nearby to take notes.

To help you remember to take your time with the ideas presented, I am gradually releasing this mini-series.

For now, let's get started with gaining a shared background.

Desiree Harrison 2:28

On the podcast, we have the lead authors of the text, Numeracy For All Learners: Teaching Mathematics to Students with Special Needs. Welcome to the podcast!

Pam Tabor 2:41

Thank you!

Dawn Dibley 2:42

Thanks for having us!

Headshot of Dr. Pam Tabor
Dr. Pam Tabor

Pam Tabor 2:44

My name is Pam Tabor. I am the research and evaluation specialist at the U.S. Math Recovery Council. I have been a part of Math Recovery before the council was even incorporated in the late 1990's is when I first did my Math Recovery training.

I can say it has been the single most impactful training that I've even had.

And I've had the great pleasure of being involved in two of our books. And, so, that's also been very rewarding experience. So I'm glad to be with you today.

Headshot of Dawn Dibley
Dawn Dibley

Dawn Dibley 3:18

My name is Dawn Dibley and I'm also a co-author of Numeracy For All Learners. I am a retired special education teacher and at the end of my career I was a math coach for the special education teachers in the district where I coached.

I became acquainted with Math Recovery in 2007 when I took my first training and it was a really important part of my job. And now I'm currently a part-time instructional coach for U.S. Math Recovery.

Desiree Harrison 3:42

Already an impressive resume from both of you. And, we're going to get into some great conversations today. I have known about Math Recovery for not quite as long. I would say, 2017, was really when it picked up on my radar. And I had some training in a few different courses.

And I additionally had the opportunity to go with two teachers to the last live conference that you all had that was in Rhode Island.

And, like you all were saying, the training has been life changing. And that conference was incredible.

You all reference the conference when you first start the book, and I was like, "I was there! I know exactly what you all are talking about."

And one piece that you do mention is Dr. Norton's keynote and that was an amazing viewpoint of Math Recovery. I remember a lot of fractions speak and just delving deep into that. And that nothing is elementary, or simple, about elementary mathematics - they're just so many different connections and everything.

So, since I've taken many of the course, I have many of the different books for Math Recovery - they're known by the color of the cover. So, I now know them as the red book, the purple book.

So, this is the brown book now. And in many ways, these books hold some of the same discussion threads, but then there's one essential difference that's highlighted in the last section of the introduction of this book, where you all state that you hope the book will spark honest conversation and critical dialogue that will lead to a revolutionary shift in the way students with special needs are typically taught mathematics.

So, that's really what we're hear to talk more about today is that (5:37)

Transcript in Progress

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